
Mill Creek Elementary appreciates your support. 

Amazon Associates Program

Mill Creek Elementary School PTA is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to

Box Tops for Education

una manera fácil de
obtener dinero para su escuela

Busque el cupón rosa de Box Tops en cientos de productos participantes. ¡Cada uno tiene un valor de 10¢ para su escuela!

Earn eBoxTops graphic
Shop from hundreds of stores and earn Box Tops for Mill Creek!!

Target – REDcard: Take Charge of Education®

Target Red Card
Our school is earning money! Thanks to all of you currently participating in the Target Take Charge of Education® program. By simply shopping with your Target® Visa® Credit Card and designating our school, a percentage of the amount of each purchase you make is donated back to our school.

If you're not already taking part, please consider doing so - grandparents, alumni, friends and neighbors can help, too. To participate or to see how much has been contributed towards our next check, please visit or call 1-800-316-6142. 

Labels for Education

The Labels for Education program is a school fund raising program designed with busy families in mind as an alternative to traditional fund raising. By saving and redeeming product UPCs and beverage caps from participating products schools can earn FREE educational merchandise, such as computers, software, sports equipment, musical instruments and library books. The community can even assist by saving UPCs and beverage caps from participating products and giving them to our school. The school redeems the points collected for FREE merchandise! For more information, click here! For a complete list of products you can find labels for education on please click here!

Disclaimer: All merchandise and services purchased as part of fundraising efforts are final. Any refunds and/or exchange requests will not be accepted, unless there is a manufacturer defect.