We are now accepting applications for next year's Board and would love for you to join us! Please see the following for more information on available positions:
President: Serve as a liaison between the PTA and the Administrations. Oversees the PTA Board and Chairs, leads all PTA board and general meetings. Oversees committee chairs of school wide events.
**VP Means, Ways and Membership: Promotes, organizes and tracks PTA membership throughout the year. Oversees the means and ways committee chairs and events which include; Box tops and Labels for education, Shoe drive and basket raffle and spirit night.
**Box Tops and Labels Chair: Facilitates box tops contests throughout the year, sorts and counts (with assistance from PTA board) box tops and labels and ensures timely mail off to companies and tracking of delivery of check.
**Shoe Drive/Basket Raffle Chair: Facilities the fall shoes drive and spring basket raffle.
**Spirit Nights: Partners with local restaurants to hold spirit nights. Communicates and organizes spirit nights as they happen.
VP School Engagement: Oversees the school engagement committees which include Teacher appreciation, Helping Hands, SAC Representative/5 Star Book, Learning together nights and Evening with the Stars
Teacher Appreciation: Oversees teacher appreciation activities/gifts throughout the school year
Helping Hands: Coordinates weekly helping hands program that provides assistance to teachers with classroom needs.
SAC Representative/5 Star book – serves as a PTA representative on the school SAC committee (meets once a month) and works with Administrative support staff towards the completion of the 5 Star Book which is necessary for our school to achieve 5 Star Status.
**Treasurer: Maintains all the financials for PTA
**Recording Secretary: Keeps minutes during PTA meetings, generates donation letters and writes thank you notes. Assists the President as needed.
**Business Partner Representative: Secures Business partners and
maintains relationships throughout the year. Oversees Business partner committee
which includes assistant representative and character counts chair
Assistant Business Partner Representative: Works along side Business partner representative to build and maintain relationships with business partners throughout the year
Character Counts: Works with Guidance Staff to plan monthly character counts ceremonies. Secure business partners to sponsor each celebration.
____________**Parliamentarian: Ensures that PTA is conducting business according to the by-laws approved by the PTA board and the State PTA Association. Oversees the design and sell of spirit wear.
_________Spirit Wear Chair: Designs and implements the sell of spirit wear
**Communications Coordinator: Maintains all communications sent out from PTA including keeping up to date with FB and Instagram (coming soon), keeping a database of room parents and sending communications to them when needed. Maintains PTA website and keeps up to date with events, business partner info, etc.
Event Committee Chairs:
__________Carnival (3 ppl) __________Daddy/Daughter Dance (2 ppl)
__________Mother/Son Corn hole (2 ppl) ___________Mustang Gallop (3 ppl)
Please note: All members of PTA board and committee are asked to make every effort to make monthly PTA meetings and to be available for Carnival and Mustang Gallop.
** Position does not require a lot of time on campus.
You may download the below form to complete and turn in by Wednesday, May 6, 2015.
Assistant Business Partner Representative: Works along side Business partner representative to build and maintain relationships with business partners throughout the year
Character Counts: Works with Guidance Staff to plan monthly character counts ceremonies. Secure business partners to sponsor each celebration.
____________**Parliamentarian: Ensures that PTA is conducting business according to the by-laws approved by the PTA board and the State PTA Association. Oversees the design and sell of spirit wear.
_________Spirit Wear Chair: Designs and implements the sell of spirit wear
**Communications Coordinator: Maintains all communications sent out from PTA including keeping up to date with FB and Instagram (coming soon), keeping a database of room parents and sending communications to them when needed. Maintains PTA website and keeps up to date with events, business partner info, etc.
Event Committee Chairs:
__________Carnival (3 ppl) __________Daddy/Daughter Dance (2 ppl)
__________Mother/Son Corn hole (2 ppl) ___________Mustang Gallop (3 ppl)
Please note: All members of PTA board and committee are asked to make every effort to make monthly PTA meetings and to be available for Carnival and Mustang Gallop.
** Position does not require a lot of time on campus.
You may download the below form to complete and turn in by Wednesday, May 6, 2015.